The value of an element is not within the accepted range of values.

Notice! This page describes the nature of the error using a hypothetical example and not the erroneous data of the input test file. You should however be able to apply this information to your error case.

Error description:

The value of an element is not within the accepted range of values.


"Element 'InstdAmt': [facet 'maxInclusive'] The value '100.00' is greater than the maximum value allowed ('99.99')."


Explanation of the error message given by the validator:

"Element 'X': [facet 'maxInclusive'] The value 'XX' is greater than the maximum value allowed ('YY')."

The value XX of element X is too large. The maximum value is YY but the value is greater than that.

Similarly, while the facet 'maxInclusive' in the schema sets the ceiling value for an element, facet 'minInclusive' is used to define the floor value.