- Knowledgebase
- XML Schema
- Cvc-length-valid
XML / ISO 20022 Standard
ISO 20022 Messages
XML Schema
- Miscellaneous
- Attribute
- Closing Tag
- Comment
- Content
- Cvc-complex-type
- Cvc-elt
- Cvc-id
- Cvc-identity-constraint
- Cvc-minexclusive-valid
- Cvc-mininclusive-valid
- Cvc-type
- Cvc-totaldigits-valid
- Cvc-attribute
- Cvc-datatype-valid
- Maximum Length
- Cvc-enumeration-valid
- Cvc-fractiondigits-valid
- Cvc-length-valid
- Cvc-maxexclusive-valid
- Cvc-maxinclusive-valid
- Cvc-maxlength-valid
- Cvc-minlength-valid
- Cvc-pattern-valid
- Element Value
- Encoding
- Length
- Mandatory element
- Missing
- Missing Tag
- Missing Child Element
- Root
- Unsupported Characters
- UTF-8
- Value
- Wrong Declaration
US ACH (Nacha)
XMLdation Service Guides
Studio Guide
Notice! This page describes the nature of the error using a hypothetical example and not the erroneous data of the input test file. You should however be able to apply this information to your error case.
General description of the error:
The format of the error message: cvc-length-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to length ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
Error description in schema standard: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-xmlschema11-2-20060217/datatypes.html#cvc-length-valid
Possible causes for this error:
- The length of the value given for the element does not match the required length defined in the schema.
An example
Error message: Error cvc-length-valid: Value 'BC' with length = '2' is not facet-valid with respect to length '3' for type '#AnonType_CurrencyCodeAmount'.
How to fix:
The error can be corrected by defining the value to be as long as it is defined in the error message (which takes the value from the schema). In this case the length of the value should be three.