
Notice! This page describes the nature of the error using a hypothetical example and not the erroneous data of the input test file. You should however be able to apply this information to your error case.

General description of the error:

The format of the error message: Open quote is expected for attribute \"{1}\" associated with an element type  \"{0}\".

Error description in schema standard:

Meaning of the error: Attribute value is not specified correctly and file is not considered to be well-formed XML.

Possible causes for this error:

  • Attribute value is indicated by using two = characters. Correct way to declare attributes is to have character = between attribute name and value and value inside quotation marks (between two " or between two ')
  • Attribute value is missing


 <InstdAmt Ccy=="JPY">10000000</InstdAmt>

Error message: Open quote is expected for attribute "Ccy" associated with an element type "InstdAmt".

How to fix: Remove duplicate character =.

<InstdAmt Ccy="JPY">10000000</InstdAmt>