- Knowledgebase
- Studio Guide
- Studio Training Basic
XML / ISO 20022 Standard
ISO 20022 Messages
XML Schema
- Miscellaneous
- Attribute
- Closing Tag
- Comment
- Content
- Cvc-complex-type
- Cvc-elt
- Cvc-id
- Cvc-identity-constraint
- Cvc-minexclusive-valid
- Cvc-mininclusive-valid
- Cvc-type
- Cvc-totaldigits-valid
- Cvc-attribute
- Cvc-datatype-valid
- Maximum Length
- Cvc-enumeration-valid
- Cvc-fractiondigits-valid
- Cvc-length-valid
- Cvc-maxexclusive-valid
- Cvc-maxinclusive-valid
- Cvc-maxlength-valid
- Cvc-minlength-valid
- Cvc-pattern-valid
- Element Value
- Encoding
- Length
- Mandatory element
- Missing
- Missing Tag
- Missing Child Element
- Root
- Unsupported Characters
- UTF-8
- Value
- Wrong Declaration
US ACH (Nacha)
XMLdation Service Guides
Studio Guide
Studio - Validation rule management
Subpages contain training material for Studio validation rule creation. The tasks below can be done by people who have access to XMLdation Studio. Each task lists its purpose, description and a walkthrough on how it can be completed.
Tasks are divided into three categories:
A - Basics - This section focuses on main features within Studio, including validation rule generation. Learning these gives user enough information to use Studio, create simple validation rules, test implementation and make changes to existing validation projects (if already available to user).
- Prerequisites: basics of XML and XML schemas
B - Advanced - focuses on creating validation rules requiring more advanced logic than automatically generated rules allow. Basics of a query language(OCL) is introduced here. Mastering this section means user is able to create advanced validation rules requiring data from multiple XML elements.
- Prerequisites: helpful if person knows or is confident in learning basic boolean operators (and, or, not, implies)
C - Expert - handling cases involving a collection (usually elements with 0..n / 1..n occurrences in schema). Mastering this means user has a proficiency in creating any type of validation rule required in ISO 20022 messages (with the help of XMLdation wiki reference).
- Prerequisites: helpful if person has prior programming experience or is confident in learning a query language