Crossborder General

Crossborder Crossborder Urgent Cheque Crossborder Cheque Swift

This page describes the active rules in General Crossborder ruleset. This ruleset is used in all crossborder pipes:

  • Crossborder
  • Crossborder Urgent
  • Cheque Crossborder
  • Cheque Swift


The following rules are active

  1. ChrgBr value SLEV and [empty] is forwarded as SHAR. Info is given
  2. SvcLvl is not allowed to be used in Tx lvl
  3. Cdtr/PstlAdr/AdrLine is mandatory 
  4. UltmtCdtr/Nm is not forwarded. Info given
  5. InstrForCdtrAgt: Only the first two occurrences of are forwarded. Info given
  6. InstrForCdtrAgt/Cd: Only the codes "PHOB" or "CHQB" can be used
  7. CdtrAcct/Id/UPIC cannot be used to identify CdtrAcct
  8. Currency has to be supported
  9. Clearing code has to be supported and of specific format
  10. SEPA-transfers should not be given in crossborder pipe. Notice given