.minusDays() / .minusMonths() / .minusYears()

Method reduces as many of days or months or years as the integer in the parameter indicates.

Description of the method

Description: .minus{Days|Months|Years}() method reduces as many of days or months or years as the integer in the parameter indicates.
Available for: ISO Date, ISO Date Time
Parameters: integer
Return type: ISO Date, ISO Date Time


Context: HeaderType1 
OCL: self.TimeStamp.minusDays(2) = self.Dt
Description: The example rule compares the date of <TimeStamp> minus 2 days to the date of <Dt>. If the date of  <TimeStamp> after the reduced days equals the date of <Dt>, true will be returned. This works in the same way with months and years.


The XML snippet below would pass this check.


The other snippet below however would not pass this check.
