Logical operator: implies

Logical operator implies consist of two parts. Whenever the first part is true, the second part has to be true as well

Description of the method


Logical operator implies consist of two parts. Whenever the first part is true, the second part has to be true as well

expr1 implies expr2: returns true when both expressions are true

expr1 implies expr2: when expr1 is not true, true is returned (in other words, expr2 value matters only when expr1 applies)


Available for:

base64binary, boolean, datetime, double/decimal, date, hexBinary, integer, string, double/decimal and integer

Parameters: -
Return type: boolean


Context: TransactionType1

self.Amount > 200 implies

self.Debtor.Name->size() = 1 and self.Creditor.Name->size() = 1

Description: The example rule mandates the usage of both Creditor and Debtor name when Amount exceeds 200


The XML snippet below would pass this check. Note the second occurrence of transaction, expression is true because amount is not above 200.



The other snippet below however would not pass



Please note that in order to make the feedback for user as accurate as possible, this exact rule may be divided into two separate rules. The individual rules would be:

if Amt exceeds 200, then Creditor Name is mandatory

if Amt exceeds 200, then Debtor Name is mandatory

This way error report will always point out the erroneous case, as the query and error message for each rule can be different.