AOS2 allows the usage of more than one Strd element and increases the allowed size of the element from 140 to 280. However, only Finnish banks are able to accept AOS2 structured messages, non-Finnsh banks use one Strd with max length of 140 in combination with Ustrd element. If AOS2 structured message is sent over border, only the Ustrd element is forwarded to foreign bank by OP-Pohjola.

Normally, with no AOS2, Strd has room to transfer only the reference number. With AOS2, it's possible to send invoices and credit notes along with the reference number.

These examples are for pain.001.001.02. The rules also apply for pain.001.001.03 but the element names and structure differ from CTv02.

Credit Invoice:


Cd................filled with CINV
RfrdDocNb......filled with invoice number
RmtdAmt.......filled with the remitted amount.

And the reference number:


Cd................filled with SCOR
CdtrRef.........filled with the reference number
Issr..............filled with ISO, if RF Creditor Reference is used. Not filled if finnish reference is used

in OP-Pohjola, the value CINV is not mandatory but recommended. OP-Pohjola knows that Creditor Invoice is used when RmtdAmt is used. 

Using all this information correctly leaves us with the following example of Strd-block:

<RfrdDocNb>Inv 12345</RfrdDocNb>
<RmtdAmt Ccy="EUR">400</RmtdAmt>
Credit Note
Credit notes use almost the same structure, but amount is given in element CdtNoteAmt instead of RmtdAmt and CREN is given instead of CINV in Cd:
Cd................filled with CREN
RfrdDocNb......filled with invoice number
CdtNoteAmt... filled with credit note amount.
The value CREN again is not mandatory, but recommended. OP-pohjola accepts messages with CdtNoteAmt given without RfrdDocTp/Cd.
Reference number is given as in CINV payment. Example of valid credit note:
<RfrdDocNb>Inv 12359</RfrdDocNb>
<CdtNoteAmt Ccy="EUR">700.00</CdtNoteAmt>